Friday, February 02, 2007

It's Friday and I'm Outta Steam

Ever wonder how people manage to post daily pontifications on this and that? Well, I've succumed to the "end of the week" syndrome. No original inspiring insights. I'm just plain bushed and beaten. Tired, and on an island of loneliness (except for the love of my wonderful wife), I admit that there is nothing original today to share.

I wonder if "cruise control" isn't such a bad thing. Today, I'm on cruise control. Blank, empty, and just wanting to get some needed rest.

I wish, at times, that I were an ordained elder, and I would surely be insightful 24/7...but that isn't the case now. That's a joke. Heck, I'm personal friends with some of the such, and they are very human folks who suffer from the same afflictions as me.

Loooong week at the regular job. Very long week. Somehow, some way, I've got to muster up a sermon for Sunday. Got some of them "pocket sermons" ready to be pulled out and rehashed. Frankly, I think that by the time Sunday morning rolls around, there will be nothing "rehash" about what the Holy Spirit moves me to share. But for now....I be bushwhacked. With faith.

Duh...there might be something to the notion of being bushwhacked with faith. Will pontificate on that someday....or not...but for now being bushwhacked with faith is a good thing.

Good night and God Bless!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praying that you have a sermon for Sunday, and that the holy spirit speaks through you.