Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Finished Blogging Daily

Ok...backing off. While I'm committed to speaking what comes to me, I'm relinquishing the need to post daily. Fact is, I lack the time or temperment to do so. With that said, I'm not posting daily anymore.

I feel both liberated and judged. Wow...what a position to be in. But I confess, the time and dedication to blog daily proves to be beyond my capabilities to embrace, I still want to stop daily to embrace what God is saying to me. I do that in prayer and daily devotionals. And in the special time, at the top of the hill, where "no matter what" I commune with Our Lord.

Without further pontifications, I resign from the need to blog daily. But who knows...I just may do it anyway, without any pressures...just because God speaks to me, daily.

Brother Marty

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