Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Big Wide World of the World Wide Web

I wonder. In this day and age of instant connections (connexions...if you will) to the outside world, do you ever get mystified and filled with wonder how sharing the Gospel can be so utterly rewarding? I'm daily uplifted by personal emails and blog entries to the extent that I'm totally in awe of God's presence throughout the world.

I share this because today has been a day of connections.

I want to thank everyone who has contacted me without sharing on my blog...and those who have. I'm truly humbled that my ramblings have touched others in ways I could not imagine. I'm humbled..and compelled to continue.

As is my tag line in other realms...."May God richly bless all followers of Jesus Christ."
And may God Bless You!


Art said...

Aw man, you're ramblings are great - keep it up!

Brother Marty said...

Thanks Art.
Sometimes it seems as if nobody is watching. But that's ok...cuz it ain't about's about God.
Thanks again.