Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Healing of the Microphone ;-)

Every once in a while God brings awe and wonder to us in ways that we cannot anticipate. Last Sunday I filled in for the pastor of a local church for the early morning service. I preached on John 6: 35 on the topic of believing in Jesus and never thirst or hunger again. Specifically, I addressed how we can thirst for healing in our lives, and how believing in Jesus - with everything in us - He will quench that thirst.

As the service started, I got wired up with the wireless microphone and the worship leader stood at the pulpit where the stationary microphone is. When that mic at the pulpit is on, it glows red. About 5 minutes into the service, the pulpit mic went dead. The worship leader fidgeted with it and ultimately gave up and proceeded through the service without it (it didn't occur to me to offer him the wireless...must've been a God thing). When it became time for the message, I went to the pulpit with my wireless turned on and began my sermon. (I always opt for the wireless mic as I do not stay behind the pulpit...I walk around, make gestures, all that stuff.) I was about 3/4 of the way through the message and said, "If only we can believe with everything in us that God heals, He will heal!"...and at that very moment (as I would later be told) the pulpit microphone lit up. I was totally unaware of it as I wasn't looking at it.

At the very moment the service concluded, a man rushed the alter and asked me if I noticed what happened. With a dumbfounded look on my face I said "no...what?". He said that God healed the microphone and told me that the light came on precisely when I mentioned believing and God will heal. The moment we were finished with our conversation, the worship leader came up to me and asked me if I saw what happened with the microphone. I told him that I had just been informed. I observed others chitchatting and pointing to the pulpit. Wow!

In retrospect, I may have slapped my hand on the pulpit for emphasis and - like smacking the TV on the side when it isn't working right - it came back on. Then again, I honestly don't recall whether I did or didn't, as I was a bit caught up the the Holy Spirit at time. Still, I pray that God touched someone through this unexpected event.

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