Sunday, November 18, 2007

Never Done it Before.....

Our little, tiny congregation hosted an interdenomitational praise and worship service tonight. We had about 30 to attend. It was utterly awesome! Mind you, this is in a town of about 550 people, and to have 30 was a blessing. But I'm in utter awe as to the numbers. I' m in utter awe as to those who attended. It was awesome to see those who attended.
Fifteen people came to the alter, to regive their lives to Jesus. I was moved beyond comprehension...moved by their prayers. Moved by their lust, for Jesus to have a role in their lives. Moved beyond words.

So, without words that exactly describe...I thank, JESUS, for what you have done tonight. Thank you, Jesus.

Your humble servant.....


Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! YES!

I'm jumping up and down in praise!

Brother Marty said...

Thank you for joining me in praise! I was shell-shocked by the passion these young people have for Jesus. I must admit that I have been too far removed from the younger generations to realize the thirst they have for praise and worship. And I'm honored to be a part of their worship experience. And, I'm anxiously looking forward to next Sunday...and the next...and the next!