Monday, March 31, 2008

My Annual Trip to Sin City

Once again I head to Las Vegas on business. Once a year my business requires that I go to Las Vegas to exhibit and find new customers. It is always good for business, yet a glimpse of what it must have been like to have been in Sodom. I remember from last year seeing billboards, traveling signs and giant high definition movies depicting lust on the faces of major casinos. I remember free newspaper machines with porn on seemingly every corner. I remember illegals passing out passes to sex shops and venues that elevate everything associated with sin as an attraction. Yep, going to Las Vegas.

In what free time I have I hope to find people who are feeling equally like fish out of water. They're there...I know. Please don't get me wrong, as I'm not ignorant to the ways of the world. Not at all. It's just that the underbelly sticks out so very obviously there that it always brings me down. I'll eat very good food, and see an uplifting show. Around and between these things, I'll be exposed to things I'd rather not. I'll probably have a good time even while being around the filth. I can say this: There's nothing that I'll want to do in Vegas that I'll want to stay in Vegas. I want to bring back good sales leads and good memories of the good we find there. Forget the rest.

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