Sunday, March 09, 2008

On Healing Services....Worth It Or Not?

In late February our church held a healing service. It was open to the public and to anyone who would come. We had nobody in particular to pray for, but advertised and spread the word by word of mouth, and it happened. There were over 20 who came.

We prayed over a boy with a brain tumor. We prayed over a man with lung disease. We prayed over a child of God who had a bone tumor. We prayed. And we prayed.

I NEVER ask for a report card on how God worked in the situations prayed for. I just don't do that. I trust that word will come back to us about how God entered into the situations we prayed for. I cannot report on this or that, but I can report that there was a testimony given today in our church about the results of that service. A woman came forth to ask us to pray for her daughter who has a tumor on the bone in her arm. That tumor led to her bone breaking unexpectedly. She testified that when we prayed for her daughter, with her being there to represent her by proxy, that the bone tumor had healed more in one week than it had in the 5 months of medical treatment. Isn't our God an awesome God? She went on to testify that she had had a terrible headache, which she never has, and that the headache was miraculously healed when we prayed over her for her daughter. Again, an awesome God!

The man with lung disease....left under his own power, pulling the detached oxygen tank and breathing under his own power. I don't know the fate of the child with the brain tumor. In due time, I'll get feedback.

I pray that we, Christians, and even those of the Methodist fold, appeal to our Lord for miracles to happen and that God manifests His glory in our lives. He will reveal Himself...if only we invite Him to do so. I'm a witness to miracles. Are you?

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