Monday, January 14, 2008

Lent...What To Post?

Last year I made a vow to post daily on the miracles of Jesus. Can't (shouldn't) do this again for lent this next year, but I want to vow to make daily posts uplifting Christ. What to do this year....I don't know?!? Or should I? Last year it was about the personal healing experiences recorded in the Gospels of Jesus healing people. Maybe this year it might be about the healings in Acts or the letters of the church fathers? Again, I don't know.

Maybe it will be a sharing of what Google brings to me from the daily posts throughout the blogosphere about healing. Daily I'm uplifted by these accounts I receive through these wonderful accounts of the love, mercy, and grace of God working His miracles throughout the world. Do you get overwhelmed by them, or should I be a wellspring of hope by reporting them. I don't know. Lent is a special time for me as I hope it is for all Christians.

We'll see what is put upon my heart this year. But I will be faithful.

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