Monday, July 28, 2008

We're Leading Up To Healing Revival, Wednesday

The theme of the revival this year at our little rural church is Baptism In The Holy Spirit. I've been talking about how the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not limited to those early Apostles, rather, for all believers who succumb to and totally submit to the presence of the Holy Spirit in themselves. It is an awesome thing to let Christ live through us today. When reflecting upon John 17: 20-22, it is apparent that we are here now, to be Christ for the world.

As Christ healed...we heal. Period. I've witnessed everything from freedom from terminal cancer to beyond...and it is awesome to behold. Are we worthy? The question I would ask is are we willing? I am willing. Are YOU?

The last thing I seek is to make hippocrates of anyone in the healing ministry. Rather, may we be subject to His will? I make myself subject to His will in these regards while I'm unworthy, yet willing. In a back-handed way I ask, can we all? Let us be subject to His will and create new persons in Christ, through the mystery and majesty of His presence. I'm awed by His presence. Aren't we all? In His name I pray...Amen.

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