Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Revivals - Do They Lack Something?

In the deep South in rural churches "revival" seems like a term lost in antiquity. I've been attending revivals throughout the summer and have made some observations:

Most attendees come to revivals to support their church.

Most revivals are not much more than something to do on otherwise routine evenings.

Most revivals are not much more than regular church, but with special music and guest preachers.

Not much reviving comes from revivals.

Are these offbeat perspectives of revival? I think revivals fall short of reviving any spirits; fall short of bringing someone to Christ; fall short of anything more than "church at night". Sad least for me.

I have a revival sermon inside me, one that is waiting for a forum. I believe that revival without a genuine change in one's walk with Christ is nothing more than "church at night". What of you and your church?

Mind you, I'm in a very rural area where only the churched come to revivals. No outreach to the unchurched. But I believe that is because the message doesn't reach beyond believers. What about the unbelievers who seek something to make sense of the world? They are the targets of revivals and the ones who should be coming and experiencing Christ's love for the first time in their lives.

I have a revival sermon inside me. I'll hone it, and perfect it, so that it is ready for when the call comes. Do any preachers or pastors have a revival sermon that they're anxious to share? Just wondering...after evenings of "church at night"...I'm just wondering.

I believe that revival for practicing Christians comes from being baptized in the Holy Spirit. That's an awkward and uncomfortable notion for most...but the only true path to being revived in the Spirit. So, if the attendees at your revival are just the "already churched"...what message do you bring to them?

Just wondering.


Art said...

Recent "revivals" I've been to at small rural churches were pretty disappointing. I mean the preaching and singing is always uplifting but the attendance is abysmal and, like you said, it's just like regular church with a guest preacher...

Brother Marty said...

Thanks for your perspective. I echo it.
I'm trying to change all that...and I hope that you are as well.
In our district, we have an active lay speaker ministry that provides revival services where small churches cannot afford to do what they think they should. I'm blessed to be asked to speak at one...and I hope to report that it was successful in bringing people to Christ.
I would recommend that every conference...every district....avail themselves of the lay speakers in their charge to bring revival. May it be the people...the very grass roots people...who bring revival to us all. That's my charge at this place in my bring laity to a position of evangelism.

Thanks for your inspirational reply.