Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unanticipated Feedback

As I prepare to step down from pastoral ministry our District Superintendent visited with our Pastor Parish Relations Committee this evening to discuss the future. I was at the meeting for the first part and he asked the committee what they thought about the time I was appointed to them. In other words, "how has Brother Marty done"? Their answers were humbling to say the least. No bad grades, just good ones. I thought that surely someone would have articulated the shortcomings I see in my ministry there but no, nothing bad.

I share this because of what was said when the DS asked about what positive things I brought to the congregation. All agreed that it was the healing services we conducted with relative regularity. I had NO IDEA that these services were perceived as powerful or meaningful. It was just me doing what I thought God was leading me to do. But it was more than that.

Unbeknown-st to me these services had a strong impact on those within the congregation. I thought it was them just giving into the wants of their pastor, but it was more meaningful than that. These services touched the people of the church in a way I hadn't imagined. One woman who was under the care of an orthopedic surgeon for "hand therapy" testified that the healing service did more for her hands than all the medical procedures. Another testified that a broken neck didn't require a "halo" because of healing prayer. Another said that a good year was added to his terminal sister's life because of prayer. I had no idea! No idea!

I pray that God uses me for His glory in whatever lay ministry I may go into. I'm just so utterly humbled to be on the sidelines when the report cards come in. I never ask nor ever will ask if prayer helped. I'll just hear the testimonies when and where God so wills that I hear.


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