Sunday, September 06, 2009

Overwhelmed by prayer requests

Does it ever happen to you? We tell people that if they let us know there is a need we will pray for that need? Well what happens when you wake up and look in your inbox and there are 5 to 20 needs for prayer? Where does one begin?

That's my scenario, as I've signed on to be a prayer partner in many chains. It isn't in me to lift up every prayer concern and I'm finding myself somewhat in Bruce Almighty when the character who took on God's powers was overwhelmed with prayers. I shrink back from what I wanted to be to the real, human me. But I cannot withdraw from this one particular chain. I just cannot. So I start each day with a list of people to pray for who I don't know, and will never meet, but can connect through prayer with them. I succumb and I pray.

If that's all we can do to be the heart, hands and feet of Jesus...then let us pray. I've limited myself to one list and I pray fervently for each name lifted up on that list. I ask if you are on such a chain that you limit your ability to pray for those on that list. It isn't easy nor is it fair, but it is reality checking in on our abililty to be about God's business for those we choose to affiliate with...sad...but imposing nonetheless. Pray fervently for those who come your way and don't be diluted by praying away the special prayers you have for those on your list's. Does this make any sense? I'm just hoping that my prayers are answered...and the chorus of prayers is pleasing in God's eye.