Thursday, June 28, 2007

Worthy of a Post

Admittedly, I've been lax of late, with postings. But it's because I've been lax of things to post. But today is different. Today I was invited to pray for the cessation of the demon of diabetes in someone. The prayer time was wonderful, and God's healing was present.
I don't do report cards on God. Frankly, I'm not worthy of grading God. Is anyone?
Tonight we prayed for someone and God's presence was felt amongst us. That's all we ask for, and all we expect.
May a miracle happen.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Culinary Upside to Methodist Funerals

Yep....I'm full. That's the culinary upside of Methodist funerals. In the South, at least, it is the custom to have meals provided for the bereaved. And the leftovers are so, so, very good! Tonight we dined on leftover pork tenderloins, chicken wings, and desserts to die for. They were leftovers from the dinner prepared for the grieving family of a lost loved one. We ate, and remembered the lost loved one...but we ate and loved it. Hopefully, I'm not the only one so richly blessed.
Amen and Amen!

Fathers' Day and Methodist Pastors

In the Methodist faith Fathers' Day is the first Sunday when newly appointed and transferred clergy give their first sermons at their new church. For many they will be coming into a congregation where the church is in the midst of having Vacation Bible School or some other summer ministry. It can be awkward for some and awesome for others.

My hope and prayer is that those who are meeting their congregations for the first time this Sunday will quickly find a rhythm and move forward with their church towards doing the work of Our Lord. Congregations will have to adjust to a new pastor, as the pastors will have to adjust to their new congregations. I pray that all look to God for guidance and seek His will to further the body of Christ.

Hitting the DELETE Button

All too often people speak without thinking, but they can't take away what they've said. All too often professional writers and reporters write something without doing due diligence but cant take it away once published. Where does blogging fit in? One can delete a post or reply and few will notice. But does that change what was said? No. It merely lessens the number of times it has been read.

There are times when I think I should hit the delete button after making a post due to poor grammar or because of the content. I've done it a few times. Perhaps I should exercise that option more often. Instead I choose to let my joys, triumphs, failures and frustrations stay for me to reflect upon over the course of time. If someone should stumble upon them and conclude that I'm a basket case...I'm grateful to have provided fodder for their mental musings. If, on the other hand, someone is moved to looking deeper into their relationship with Our Lord, I'm honored to have been used for that purpose.

I like Gavin Richardson's blog title: "Hit the Back Button to Move Fwd". I think I can relate.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Too Much Death part 2

I've experienced the death of loved ones and it is always difficult. At this current time, there is an overwhelming number of deaths of loved ones coming all-to-close together. I feel disturbed, but at the same time, spared, because of those around the world who suffer the losses of ones close to them in the name of Our Lord.

There are missionaries, converts, and proselytes who accept Christ and suffer as a result. My personal losses are minuscule by comparison. But the loss of even one soldier of Christ is worthy of lifting up. I do this with a woman named Lucielle. She's gone now but she never stopped sharing the Good News with anyone who would listen. Lucielle rocked. I hope to rock like she did.

It is good to reflect on the lives of those who influenced us...good...very good.

Too Much Death

I have been absent from the blogging world for about two months. In these two months there has been much death, mourning, and services. Some say that it comes in threes, but there have been threes, threes, and more threes. Tomorrow I will help in burying yet another person close to me. It isn't easy.

At these times I think about clergy, those in charge of congregations. I think about all the difficulties associated with saying goodbye to someone who is special, someone who may have even been close to you. It isn't easy.

In light of these recent deaths of loved ones, there is a wellspring of hope for those left behind. I've been made aware of 3 people who are facing life-threatening situations. I feel the call of our Lord. I wish to offer healing to them. But who am I? What can I do? I can pray, and encourage those close in these situations to pray as well. If I don't lift up the mantle of prayer, who will? As it turns out, nobody will if I don't. So, Heavenly Father, put me in their paths so that I may pray for them. Let them come with contrite spirits, let them come broken and torn, but let them come. If they come, I will lift up their loved ones to you, as others have come to you...but Lord I ask that they come. If they knock, you will answer, through me....if they come, I will be there....through you. Most importantly, make them come.

It is terrifying to have a gift of healing. It is terrifying because so many don't turn to You. But, heavenly Father, if they turn to you, and come to me, I pray that your presence will fill their situations. Bring them, Father, and I will serve.

Father, bring them to you. Father, bring them to your love. Father, bring them to anyone who can help, and if that is me, bring them to me. May I be worthy of your love in their situations. Bring them to You!